发现AES LiFePO4Lithium Ion Battery Review
发现AES saves more than 15% every time your system cycles over lead acid batteries.
发现batteries can be used in our
MAPPS off-grid solar systems.
With round-trip efficiency measured at >95%, MISER technology by Discover saves homeowners at least 15% of their stored energy capacity, each and every time they cycle their system when compared to high quality, lead acid battery options.
To borrow an old cliché, a penny saved is a penny earned. In the solar industry, inverter and module manufacturers have been competing around conversion efficiency since the turn of the century. They beat each other up mercilessly over fractions of % efficiency gains and, to their credit, the modules and inverters on the market today are far superior to what was available even 10 years ago.
In the energy storage business, Round Trip Efficiency (RTE) is the measure of the energy wasted each and every charge/discharge cycle new high-quality lead acid battery have at best an 80% RTE, which can decline rapidly as the batteries age.
发现AES Batteries w/ Miser Technology
发现AES LiFePO4batteries with MISER technology have the ability to save 1.5KWh in energy costs for every 10 KWh of energy storage, each and every cycle.
发现AES LiFePO4采用MISER技术的电池可以让房主储存和利用从电池板上获得的太阳能,效率超过95%。与80%的新铅电池和60%的老化铅酸电池的最佳情况相比,你可以让逆变器的家伙休息一会儿。
The industry aggressively contends that “life cycles” are the measure of a batteries quality versus the competition and its suitableness for energy storage use. A successful high quality lead acid battery bank will maintain its ability to deliver its original published capacity for 500 cycles (less than 18 months of daily cycling) only if the batteries are kept cool, not deeply discharged, recharged completely every cycle and watered regularly (flooded cells). In the real world, cycle counting is neither verifiable nor reflective of the real function of a battery bank, which is, storing energy.
发现AES LiFePO4采用永旺循环寿命技术的电池可在部分充电状态(SOC)下连续工作,或交替放电并充电至其额定容量的100%,而不会产生任何后果。发现AES LiFePO4电池将提供超过90%的原始能量存储容量,至少是高质量铅酸电池组的10倍。
发现AES LiFePO4 batteries will significantly outlast lead acid batteries, and dramatically reduce energy storage costs over the life of the system.
发现’s RAPI-CHARGE©charge source optimization allows Discover AES LiFePO4 batteries to fully recharge up to 5x faster than new lead acid batteries or up to 10x faster than aged lead acid batteries.
With round trip efficiency measured at >95%, MISER©与高品质铅酸电池相比,Discover的这项技术每次都能为房主节省至少15%的存储能量。
发现AES LiFePO4 batteries have JUCE©,doubling run-time and energy output over lead- acid battery banks of the same capacity.
发现的匆忙©这项技术使我们能够发现AES LiFePO4电池能够处理工业、电信/UPS和太阳能应用中常见的高充放电电流要求。
发现AES LiFePO4 batteries have JUCE©,doubling run-time and energy output over lead- acid battery banks of the same capacity.
发现AES batteries with SENTRY©are cleaner and safer than lead-acid batteries. Stable and high-performing LiFePO4 cells managed by our proprietary, 3rd generation BMS design have been tested and certified to stringent UL1973 and UN38.3 standards for safety and transport.
发现AES Battery Warranty
发现AES LiFePO4batteries are warranted by a 10-year, unlimited cycle, 38 MWh total energy throughput warranty providing confidence that any发现电池将为您提供长期,可靠的能源存储,您正在支付。以一家自1949年以来一直在设计、制造、分销和安装铅酸电池的公司为例:你买不起铅。
发现AES is cleaner and safer with stringent UL1973 and UN38.3 standards.
发现44-24-2800Safety & Performance Certified
• IEC 62133
•UL 2271(待定)
• UL1973 (pending)
Shipping Classification
•UN 3480,第9类(锂离子电池)
乐动安卓app专门供应经销商,contractor,governmentandindustrial全球账户reliable, cost-effective Li-ion powered solar solutions.
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Contact ustoll-free:(877) 297-0014专家协助和批发价格发现44-24-2800电池.