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SMA Sunny Tripower Core1 STP50-US-40Commercial Inverter

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SMA Tripower

SMA Sunny Tripower Core1 STP50-US-40逆变器


Sunny Tripower Core1逆变器的灵活设计不需要任何机架系统

Sunny Tripower Core1太阳能安装
SMA Sunny Tripower CORE1 inverter可以在某些安装中直接安装到太阳能架上。
  • 强大的50,000W交流标称功率输出
  • 高达75000 WP STC Solar PV输入功率
  • Up to 1,000V DC input
  • 理想的构建模块,可扩展到MW范围
  • Seamless grid integration w/ rooftop, ground or carport PV systems


  • 98.0%CEC, 98.3% Peak
  • 1000 V DC increases system efficiency
  • 六款MPP跟踪器确保最佳能源生产

Lower overall system price

  • 集成的AC和DC断开节省材料成本
  • 屋顶应用程序不需要机架
  • 不需要PV保险丝
Sunny Tripower Core1太阳能安装
Sunny Tripower CORE1may be ground mounted outdoors.


从任何移动设备中内置的Wi-Fi访问,使访问CORE1easy and effective.


Designed for commercial grid-connected solar systems

CORE1STP50-40is the third generation of the successfulSunny Tripower产品系列,正在彻底改变世界商业逆变器凭借其创新设计。挑战SMAengineers was to combine a unique design with an innovative installation method in order toincrease the installation speed显着。


有几十年的经验,乐动安卓apphas the knowledgeable staff for just about any commercial decentralized solar power system project.Contact usfor the latest低批发价格,专家评论或Sunny Tripower Core1系统设计。

From delivery and installation to operation, theSunny Tripower CORE1在可能的物流,劳动力,材料和服务中普遍存在的储蓄。

集成WLAN.访问快速调试,最新即插即用通讯and smart functions for网格支持, PV installations of a decentralizedcommercial solar system比以往任何时候都更快,更容易完成。

SMA Sunny Tripower Core1 STP50-US-40逆变器 - 商业价格

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SMA Sunny Tripower CORE1 inverter reviewSMA Sunny Tripower Core1 STP50-US-40

SMA Model Number STP50-US-40
Max Usable AC Power 24,500瓦特
峰值效率 98.3%
CEC加权效率 98.0%
重量 185磅。
Width 24.4 in.
Height 28.8 in.
Depth 22.4英寸。

Contact Us

呼叫toll-free (877) 297-0014低批发定价和专家建议。我们是一个授权SMA America供应商

Manufacturer Specification Sheets

查看文件SMA Sunny Tripower Core1变频器手册尺寸:(1.67 MB)
查看文件SMA Sunny Tripower Core1逆变器规格尺寸:( 405.52 KB)
查看文件SMA限量工厂保修尺寸:( 364.02 kB)
查看文件SMA集群控制器MODBUSSize: (991.5 KB)


Sunny Tripower Core1配件

借the Modbus protocol interface, SMA makes flexible integration of inverters possible. Through the use of this well-known industry standard, you can integrate SMA Sunny Tripower CORE1 inverters into your systems without having to follow the SMA-specific inverter protocol.
SMA Cluster Controller
SMA Cluster Controller
Combined with highly efficient SMA Sunny Tripower Core1 inverters, the SMA Cluster Controller is the perfect system solution for decentralized large-scale PV power plants.
RS485 Data Interface
RS485 Data Interface
该MD.SEN-US-40 sensor module allows you to record environmental data such as solar irradiation and cell temperature to analyze CORE1 inverter system performance. This means that any PV system malfunctions can be detected quickly and yield loss minimized. The SMA Sensor Module allows you to connect sensors that measure ambient temperature or wind speed and also provides a simple display for an S0 energy meter.

Contactour experienced, professional staff toll-free:(877)297-0014用于的评论或批发价格SMA Sunny Tripower CORE1 inverter