SolarEdge SE3000A-US 3KW Inverter ReviewSolarEdge grid-tie inverter systems tackle all of the challenges encountered with residential solar PV system inverters. Increased energy yield compared to the traditional inverter system:
SolarEdge电源优化器由安装人员连接到每个模块或由模块制造商嵌入,取代了传统的太阳能接线盒。因此,它必须与模块本身一样可靠,能够承受模块暴露的相同环境条件。 The essence of the SolarEdge reliability strategy is a physics-based multi-level method of failure point identification. Providing a warranty for a proven 25 year system operational lifetime was enabled through a combination of reliability-oriented design rules. With a selection of top-tier suppliers and acceptance testing of their components, which were manufactured in well-controlled environments, accelerated lifetime testing of the system (and its components) was conducted up to the wear-out point in order to determine when the product will fail, at what rate and by which failure mechanisms. Safety:
Peace of mind:
Increased energy yield:
SolarEdge's Multi-Level Reliability:The SolarEdge multi-level reliability plan involves Design Analysis & Qualification by in-house and external experts, sub-system testing by Accelerated Life Testing (ALT) of critical components, and integrative testing of design prototypes (via HALT) and large sample groups. As part of these efforts, tens of thousands of components have been evaluated in accelerated life chambers (burn-in, thermal cycling, humidity and so forth) as well as hundreds of products in field tests and stress tests. These tests have run for the equivalent of over 100 years (well over the expected life of photovoltaic systems). The lessons learned are invaluable and as a result, SolarEdge produces systems with unsurpassed reliability. In order to verify that each SolarEdge product that leaves manufacturing plants conforms to our high reliability and quality standards, each component, sub-assembly, and final product are tested multiple times during production. These tests include: Automatic Optical Inspection, In-Circuit Testing, Board- and Component-Level Functional Testing, Safety Testing and Integrative Stress Testing. These rigorous screening and testing procedures, which are completed for 100% of the products we make, enable us to guarantee that SolarEdge products work as expected for the entire product lifetime. SolarEdge可靠性战略的一个关键要素是在其产品中使用专有的专用集成电路(ASIC),这也是SolarEdge与竞争对手相比的一个显著差异。提高电路可靠性的最佳方法是减少电路中元件的数量——这在SolarEdge产品中是通过用专门为手头任务设计的单个ASIC替换大量分立元件来实现的。ASIC本身是根据专门定义的专有设计规则制造的,以允许ASIC具有25年的长寿命。广泛的分析和测试已经完成,以确保ASIC封装足够坚固,以处理机械和电化学应力经历了25年的日常热逆变器循环。 SolarEdge Product Overview |