REC Solar'sαREC350AAsolar panel is a revolutionary solar panel achieving incredible levels of efficiency, power, and strength. This reliable solar panel is ideal for homes or businesses requiring a very efficient, cost-effective solar panel that provides reliable power output.
- 该world’s highest power 60-cell solar panel.
- 更大的阳光转换为电力。
- 一块美丽的太阳能电池板,加强框架。
- Over 20% more power from the same install.
- All backed up by an industry-leading warranty.
- This is theREC AlphaSeries.
HJT Monocrystalline & Thin Film Technologies
Emerging from REC’s leadership in half-cut cell technology, theα建成约120个半切割的异质结细胞(HJT)和先进的连接技术,由德国和新加坡的工程专家设计。通过HJT,REC结合了N型单晶硅太阳能电池与薄膜技术的益处,即使在较高的温度下也能为较高的效率和能源产量提供更高的效率和能量产量。
Rec Alpha Rec350AA优势
- REC的开创性和屡获殊荣的'双面板'设计:2014年推出,这在阴影条件下提供了更好的性能。
- REC的商业化半切割电池技术:alpha在非晶硅薄层之间具有高效N型单晶片。
- REC’s unique frame design: The 30 mm thin frame construction allows more panels per pallet, an easy installation and allows the Alpha to withstand snow loads of 7000Pa.
- 行业领先的保修:勘探太阳能专业人员(否则20年)设施25年的产品保修和25年的电力输出保修。
- 甚至更好的环境:Rec Alpha太阳能电池板的制造需要更少的能量,这进一步降低了碳足迹。
Rec Alpha Solar Panel保修
该REC350AAis guaranteed high power output over its warranted lifetime. The REC Alpha series comes with REC’s best warranty:
Subject to the terms and conditions of the Limited Warranty, for a period of 20 years from the date of purchase by the Original
End-User (not exceeding a maximum period of 20.5 years from the date of production as identified on the Product), REC warrants that the Products:
- Are free from defects in material and workmanship if installed and used in accordance with the installation instructions
- Will remain safe and operational if cable and connector plugs are installed professionally and are not permanently positioned in water; provided however, that damage to the cable caused by abrasion on a rough surface due to insufficient fixing or to unprotected running of the cable over sharp edges is excluded. Damage caused by animals is also excluded
- Will not experience freezing up of the aluminum frames if installed correctly.
REC Alpha Solar Panel认证
UL 1703; pending IEC 61215, IEC 61730;
ISO 9001: 2015; ISO 14001: 2004, OHSAS 18001: 2007